About » Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

This strategic plan is designed to guide CU's fidelity towards its vision, and stands to show how College Unbound can better support a world where “lifelong learning is valued and enables people to be fuller participants in creating the lives to which they aspire.” This is messy work that needs to bring all the stakeholders of the College together: Staff, Board, Leadership, Students, Alumni, Community Partners, Faculty, Extended Family and Community of Care. This document exists to help stakeholders see themselves reflected within and in relationship to the institution.

Strategic Goals

  1. College Unbound will foster an environment of lifelong learning and capacity building for its extensive community of learners and collaborators.
  2. College Unbound will root its sustainability in a culture of equity and student success.
  3. College Unbound will capture evidence of transformational and equitable outcomes that result in the enhanced well-being of our students, their families, and their communities.
  4. College Unbound will grow, adapt, and innovate with a commitment to equity, place, and purpose.
Executive Committee
This committee is responsible for planning and includes representatives of all stakeholder groups. The committee reviews the strategic plan on a quarterly basis.
Members include the president, executive vice president, vice president of strategy and planning, vice president of academic affairs/provost, vice president of administration and finance, director of communications, two representatives from the academic affairs and technology committee, two students, and one member of the board of trustees. See our staff directory.